
26 December 2011

The Perfect Gift - Part 2

I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays, and that they're filled with love and relaxation.  We've had 3(!!!) busy Christmas celebrations in the past two days, so I'm looking forward to some down time today.  Can you say family game day?!?

I wanted to thank-you for all the lovely comments made about the book I "published" for Elizabeth.  It was truly a hit with her, and my favourite Christmas memory.  She brought it with her last night to dinner at my mother-in-law's house, and is already making plans to bring it my parents' house.  (You can see in the pictures that she's wearing the Christmas ribbon pajamas I made for the girls - they turned out so cute!!!)

Happy Holidays from my family to yours!!!  Happy Monday!


  1. How sweet!!!! You can see she loved it!!!! Beautiful family picture! Hope you get some much deserved R & R :)

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure

  2. OhMyMyMy...
    PRECIOUS! I loved that little pause, and inside her head, there are wheels turning, turning, turning... and then she figures it out!

    I am visiting friends in Washington and they came in and I was CRYING MY EYES out! They thought I didn't like the lunch. No, I said, I was just watching Jen Runde's daughter open the book her mom had published for her.

    Silence. Blank stares from everyone in the room. They look at the TV--which is turned off. Kim smiling, crying, smiling...
    Some people just don't get BlogConnections...

    I am thrilled she was so happy... thrilled for Elizabeth and thrilled for Mom! This was like a Christmas addendum. Thank you, Jen, for sharing this wonderful moment with all of us!

    Merry Christmas all over again!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  3. That book is amazing. What a neat mom you are to do that for your daughter:)
    Grade ONEderful

  4. Thanks!!! You are all too sweet ...

    Kim, thank-you so much. I totally get the "blog connection" - and I'm so happy to have made that connection with you. :)

  5. OK, the "me next" in the background sends me back to the FIVE of us taking turns as children - - too precious!!! Thanks for capturing that incredible moment for us.
