We moved on to place value with decimal numbers this week. Again, as I'm trying to do a different interactive tool for each concept this year (different tool than we did last year), this week we made flaps to study our decimal columns. You can see our pocket place value activity from last year
HERE. My grade 5 students need to know up to the hundredths column, and the grade 6 students need to know up to the thousandths column. As a whole class, we made our folded tool go to the thousandths column. If your students need to know more decimal columns, you could do the same tool but just add more flaps.
We started with the learning goal in curriculum language, then student language. They then moved on to "what I know". I had a question from a follower last week, wondering what to do because it was taking her students too long to copy this information. These journals should be fun for students (and you), so please consider doing whatever works for your classroom. If my students were taking too long (they do get faster as the year progresses), I might only ask them to write the learning goal one way. You could also have the students discuss "what I know" instead of writing it down. Please alter the ideas so that they work in your classroom.
We made 5 flaps on our interactive tool, and wrote the place value column names on the front of each flap. Under the flaps, we wrote a decimal number in standard, expanded, and written form.

After we were done, my grade 6 students worked through the rest of the left-side of the page thinking on their own (they had done journals with me last year when they were in grade 5), and I worked with the grade 5 students to come up with a problem for "proof" and an example of a reflection (we used money). Next week the grade 5 students will have to complete "proof" on their own, as I begin to release the responsibility to them. They also added a traffic light comprehension dot to the top corner of their page. All in all, a job well done!

If you're looking for more ideas for interactive math journals, or more thorough explanations and examples of all my math journal entries from last year, check out my
Interactive Math Journal resource by clicking on the picture to the left.
Happy Sunday!!! It's a beautiful sunny day here (it's been a few days since we've seen the sun), so we're thinking of going on a fall colour run (drive). ;)
this is awesome! I was hoping NOT to have to do with my students in 6th, but they don't remember it from 5th so I am going to have to.
Hodges Herald
I have to tell you Jen, writing the Learning Goal has really changed the way I teach. I know, sounds silly, but it is true. I have started to do that in all areas in class and it just is such a "focuser" for the kids. We all stay on track and things just go so smoothly. Loving it! Thanks for that amazing idea!
Teaching in Room 6
It's funny my Grade 4 students needed to know decimals through the thousandths and we literally had 4 days to teach it. Needless to say, they didn't get it. I will try this with them and hopefully it helps. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Jen, as always! I am at about the same place as you and will be doing this activity this week. You are awesome!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm slowly adding more of these ideas (writing out learning goal, reflections, etc.) with my fourth graders and can see a huge improvement in retention!! Thanks, Jen!!
Thanks for sharing these ideas! I am now doing interactive math journals with my 3rd graders and am LOVING them! My students are too. :) I have to make things a bit simpler for my 3rd graders, but am loving what they are writing in their reflections for a particular concept.
These are AWESOME!! We are at the same exact spot with math too! I love these ideas!! We also compared the decimal place values to money, but yours look SUPER CUTE and student friendly. Thanks for the awesome ideas!!
ReplyDeleteYoungTeacherLove 5th Grade Blog
What a wonderful idea! I have started your interactive notebooks this year and my students LOVE it! They are completing their notebooks quicker each day. I love your blog!!!
ReplyDeleteI love reading your Math Journal Sunday Posts! I started Math Journals two weeks ago and love how things are going! I got your math journal resource off TpT and it really helped me get things started! I will be posting about it this week in my blog! Thanks so much!
We use interactive math notebooks too. I just found your blog. So basically you are my new favorite blog :) I am your newest follower!!!
Fourth Grade Lemonade
I wish I would have seen this post one week ago when I started place value!!! My kids had a really hard time with place value, decimals and exponents. What math program/books do you use?
The Eager Weekend
The Eager Teacher
I just purchased your maths journal and it is fantastic! I am a graduating teacher in NSW, Australia and this has to be the BEST maths resource I have seen. I am starting it with my Grade 5 class this term...even though it is the last term in NSW, Australia @(*0*)@ We have four terms and finish our school year in December so we can enjoy Summer!
ReplyDeleteMany thanks again for sharing your wonderful ideas and classroom practice.
I totally jumped on your bandwagon :) Come check it out...I gave you a bloogy shout out.
Rock Stars At Work
ReplyDeleteIs everything ok? No posts for a while, hope everything is ok....
ReplyDeleteI am so very worried....is everything okay? Where have you been...we are missing you!