Math Journal Sundays - Data Management

11 November 2012
I'm sorry - I was busy with my progress reports last weekend, so I didn't get my math journal idea posted.  The good news ... I have two journal ideas for you today!

We are deep into our Data Management unit right now.  The first journal entry is for stem and leaf graphs.  To be completely honest, when I first started teaching 13 years ago, I had no idea what a stem and leaf graph actually was.  As a result, I have to admit I probably didn't pay as much attention to it as I should have.  Long story short ... when it showed up on our provincial testing and my students were completely ill-prepared, I made sure it my students knew it from that point on.

We used the results from our last math test to make our journal entry for the stem and leaf plots.  Whenever possible, I try to incorporate as many real-life examples as possible into our math investigations.  We listed the percents from our math test as our set of data, then turned those results into a stem-and-leaf plot.  We used a simple flap template.  We wrote definitions for the graph on the outside of the interactive tool, and wrote the numbers for the graph on the inside.  My students really like this type of graph, so I won't be surprised if it turns up on our final assignment for this unit.

Then we moved on to mean, median, mode, and range.  We used our shoe sizes to study these data management techniques.  For our journals, we used 4 index cards for the 4 concepts.  We attached the index cards to the journal page using a brass fastener.  My students already know how to find mean, mode, median, and range, but it always amazes me how quickly they forget which one is which.  By having these cards in their journals, they have an easy reference.

For even more math journal ideas, you can check out my Interactive Math Journal Resource over at TeachersPayTeachers.  Just click on the picture to head on over.

I've just recently added two new drama circles to my store.  The Thanksgiving Drama Circle will have your students "acting" like they're ready to help make Thanksgiving dinner.  The Winter Drama Circle centers around the excitement of a snow day.  Both are perfect for drama activities, cooperative learning activities, improving listening skills, morning meetings, and just plain fun in the classroom.  Just click on the pictures to get a preview of the activities.

Happy Sunday!

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  1. Thanks so much for your math journal ideas! I use the interactive math journals with my 3rd graders, and LOVE. Your Drama circle cards look great.


    1. Thanks, Krista! I'm so happy to hear that you and your students are enjoying the math journals!

    2. Thank you for sharing your ideas. I especially enjoy the pictures they are great for me to completely understand how you are using the interactive math journal. I have used many of your ideas this year with my 6th graders. The students love creating colorful books that they use as their own personal reference book. Thanks again!


  2. My fifth grade team just started interactive math notebooks last week. The kids are LOVING them. I can't wait to add your statistical landmark stuff when we get to it. We've done factors and multiples, prime and composite, and number notations so far. We're using the set-up of the notebooks to review all the eligible content from the first quarter, and then we plan to keep the entries current from this point forward. I'll be checking back often for ideas. Thanks, Stacy @

    1. Thank-you so much, Stacy! I try to post new journal ideas every Sunday. I'm so glad to hear that your students are loving the journals.

  3. Hey Jen! I've been dying to get on here and tell you what a godsend your math journals have been in my class already! We just completed the Types of Angles last week and not only did the kids LOVE setting it up, it was such a fantastic, visual resource for all of my students. I will definitely be working on mean, median, mode, etc. in note form soon because you are so right...they do forget which is which so quickly! Thank you for such an incredible resourced--I can't express enough how much it has helped me as an educator and my students by proxy!

    1. Thank-you SO much, Kristen! I get so many WONDERFUL ideas from you, I'm just happy I have the opportunity to share some of mine with you! :)

  4. I so look forward to your posts! Thank you for sharing!

  5. I too am loving integrating the math journal into my class. Is it bad that, as a new teacher, I looked at your class's math scores and felt relieved that even you (who I view as a super teacher!) don't have perfect scores in math? :)

    1. Thanks, Rachel! I don't mind posting these scores - I think it's important to share successes as well as real life stories. I have a lot of struggling students this year, and although we're working VERY hard, there is still a lot of work to do!

  6. Thanks for the great ideas! It is so much fun getting your emails.

  7. Great ideas Jen! I can't believe those are your students' math marks....based on all these wonderful interactive journal ideas I would have anticipated your marks to be much higher.... also progress reports? Are you not following advice of 1 liners? Thanks! Nancy

    1. lol - I definitely did the one-liners, but because I knew they wouldn't take long to complete, I left them until the absolute last minute and had to get them all done on Sunday. Such a procrastinator! About the math scores - I was actually pleased with these scores (you should have seen our first math test scores) ;). I have a very low class this year with a lot (A LOT) of struggling students (including 7 who are on IEPs and 3 on modified programs). We've been working our tails off ... and will continue to do so. We actually celebrated as our mean and median were both at a level 3. And little bit of extra small group practice will hopefully get that group at a high 2 up to a three by the next test. Fingers crossed ...

  8. Good idea to use the shoe sizes for the data set. Would never have thought of that. Perfect! I also like how you used the brad. I bet the kids loved that little addition :)

    Teaching in Room 6

  9. Hello My Pal Jen:

    Now that the dust has settled, I am hoping that our notebooks will finally be opened! (I've had the stickers on the covers for weeks!)
    THANK YOU for the many fabulous ideas that make my job so much easier.
    Sending you a huge CyberHug!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  10. Just discovered your blog, so many amazing ideas. I teach in Ontario and loved your Remembrance Day post, the poetry display was beautiful. Great to meet a Canadian blogger :)

  11. I purchased our Interactive Math Journal and love it! my question for you is after you present the right side lesson,do you have an additional activity to go with it? Do the kids do follow up worksheets? How long do you spend on one concept?

  12. Love, Love, love the idea, thanks so much.

  13. Hi Jen, I have a quick question for you. I found your blog awhile back and have been trying to integrate them in my room. Some weeks are harder than others since I only get 1 group of kids for 50 minutes a day. Anyway, I'm having a difficult time relaying to the kids what a "reflection" is. I' ve given them ideas, but I myself don't quite know how to word what they are. Can you give me any suggestions?
    Thanks, Kristin

    PS they are fun, when I get to use them! Thanks for sharing!!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Kristin,

      I realize this suggestion is about a year late, but hopefully it will find you in time for covering transformations this school year. I have found a blog with a great visual for transformations (not my own).

  14. Hi Jen,

    I love your math journals and want to start them with my class in the new year (we are at the end of our school year in Australia). How did you begin them in your class? And is there a good way of introducing them to students?



  15. thank you for you pics. I began interactive math journals before the break. my second graders love it. We are doing so much more writing in math now. Of course I am having a blast with Pinterest A colleague enlighten me about that sight. Once again thank you
