
17 February 2013

Reading Reflections with Bloom's Taxonomy

Shortly after I posted my Math Reflection Fans, I had a few people contact me to ask me to create a set for Reading based on Bloom's Revised Taxonomy.  So, I got on it.  I know including those higher-order thinking questions (HOT questions) into our lesson plans and class discussions is a HOT topic right now.  ;)

I just posted this set of Reading Reflection Fans for fiction (I'm going to create a set for nonfiction, next).  The questions are aligned to the six levels in Bloom's Revised Taxonomy:  Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, and Create.  They will also fit the CCSS Reading Standards for Literature.   There are between 15 and 23 questions for each level (with over 100 questions in total).  I have also included a checklist sheet for each level so you can keep track of questions asked in class.  The 23 different questions for CREATE can be used as formative or summative assessment activities.

Questions can be used in class discussions, as prompts for written reader responses, in guided reading groups, after independent reading or paired reading activities, after read alouds, etc.  I use mine for so many different purposes in the classroom.  Sometimes I choose the question, and sometimes I ask a student to choose a question and display it under the document camera for all to see.  You can see more about how I use and store my question fans HERE.

Fans can be assembled into separate levels, using a brass fastener to keep them together.

Or, you can clip all the levels together and keep them on a binder clip (this is how I store them in the classroom).

Well, that's about it ... I hope you're all enjoying your weekend ... and maybe, just maybe, you get one extra day tomorrow!  We're planning on taking our girls downhill skiing for the first time tomorrow (with ALL this snow we have, we've got to take advantage of it).



  1. I just bought all of your other reading fan questions this week... I have already put this into my cart. Thanks for all of your hard work!!

  2. Jen, do you EVER sleep? Seriously, amaze me. Thank you for always inspiring me to be better and work harder :)

  3. Awesome! I recently bought your reading comprehension fans and LOVE them! I'm excited for another installment - added to wishlist :)

    Thanks for all of your hard work,

    Joy in the Journey

  4. Wow Jen, you are incredible!! I find all of your fans to be such an important part of my instruction--thank you!!! :)

  5. Is there anything you can't do?? LOVE it, as always. Like Kristen, the fans are such an incredible addition to my classroom.

    Teaching in Room 6

  6. This is great! I love Bloom's Taxonomy and use it almost every single day! :) Love your blog! I'm your newest follower!


  7. Love this great Bloom's support tool. keeping them altogether in a fan makes it so convenient to use.

    Granny Goes to School

  8. You are fabulous my friend!!!! Adding to my cart :) {along with the other ones I managed to miss from previous posts). My kids love "playing" with the fans!!!!
