I am SO excited I'm finally linking up to Oh' Boy 4th Grade for another Currently linky ... and even more excited I'm a day early!!! That NEVER happens in my life of forever procrastination. Here goes ...
Wanting ... to squeeze in a few more moments of fun tomorrow (maybe the laundry will have to wait another day). We've been playing all the old classics together lately. Just in the past week we've had a few games of Monopoly, Life, Scrabble, Jenga ... LOVING it. (And the teacher mom in me makes the girls add up their own scores and count their own money). Favourite line from today: my oldest spelled "reef" in scrabble. When my middle asked what a reef was, my youngest said, "You know - like a Christmas reef". ;)
Listening to ... there's quite the storm going on outside. Bit of rain and bit of snow mixed in. Desperately wishing the wind would blow away ALL this snow ... I think it just may be MAY before it's all melted this year. SO sad it's the season finale of The Walking Dead tonight - it's one of the few shows that my husband and I actually enjoy watching together ... I have no idea WHY I like the show as much as I do - never thought I would get wrapped up in a zombie show, but I am HOOKED.
Loving ... my Easter Weekend. Can't beat 4 days home with my family. We had a lovely dinner at my parents' house last night and had a great time with the whole Easter Bunny thing this morning. LOVE my life.
Thinking ... about laundry??? Yikes ... moving on.

Needing ... to get our passports. It's driving my husband CRAZY that I haven't gotten it yet. I do want to take a few little trips over the summer, but I have BIG plans to take the family to Disney at the end of December. Shhhh ... it's a secret.
Advice ... and this is one I need to keep reminding myself to follow ... I think I've done a pretty good job this month. Get OFF the computer more - and spend that time with the family.
Well, that's it ... still can't believe I've got it done a day early. :) I also can't believe that tomorrow is the beginning of April!!! I've got to plan a great trick for my girls tomorrow. Any ideas???