We are LOVING the color coding while building better answers in our class. Seriously. If you have been reading my blog, you know I use this strategy a lot ... and I've sung its praises often here. I've been building better answers with color coding in reading for over two years, but I've just recently started to color code our math answers, as well.
If it was earlier in the year, I would have added the goals under communication slowly, but since we are nearing crunch time with testing, I decided to post all the goals and dive right in. We do spend time discussing each goal and write about the goal in our math notebooks. This helps the students see the value of each goal.

My Building Better Math Responses resource contains everything you need to get started with your students. There is a color coded success criteria goal chart (in both blackboard print and white background), "Good Mathematician" notes and answer sheets for each goal, posters and bookmarks, assessment checklists and rubrics (self, peer, and teacher), and some worksheets to get students started (group, partner, and independent). You can click HERE to take a peek at the resource - it is really working wonders in my classroom.
I actually wrote about color coding our math responses earlier this year (you can see it HERE), but after creating my "Building Better Responses" resources for Math and Reading, I made a few changes to how we code the math.
This is what my TACK wall looks like now. (You can read more about our TACK wall for math HERE). We just started a new unit in math (probability), so I've taken down all our learning goals for our last unit, and am just starting again with our new learning goals. The goals under Communication are now revised, based on our new way of color coding our answers.

And you know what - they are getting it! Each time we work on a problem (even when I don't remind them to) markers and highlighters are popping out all over the room, and they are truly analyzing their answers to make them better.

My Building Better Math Responses resource contains everything you need to get started with your students. There is a color coded success criteria goal chart (in both blackboard print and white background), "Good Mathematician" notes and answer sheets for each goal, posters and bookmarks, assessment checklists and rubrics (self, peer, and teacher), and some worksheets to get students started (group, partner, and independent). You can click HERE to take a peek at the resource - it is really working wonders in my classroom.
You can also take a peek at my Building Better Reading Responses by clicking HERE. I am loving how the two are working together.
Happy Saturday! Hope you are enjoying the weekend!