
26 June 2016

5 Activities for Teaching ...

Welcome to my newest blog series - 5 Activities for Teaching ...

I plan on starting with math concepts.  Every Monday I'll have a new blog post full of 5 ideas / activities / resources you can use for introductions or math stations or centers for a specific math concept.  Even though I plan on starting with math, I'm sure I'll start adding other subjects into the mix.  ;)

It is my hope that by doing this, I'll prepare myself better for math stations this year.  Every year I start with the best of intentions of having student run math stations with lots of engaging concepts for every lesson so I can meet with small groups for some guided math, and every year it falls apart about half way in because I run out of ideas.  I usually end the year with only one day a week in stations, instead of the 3 or 4 I had intended on doing.

So, come along and join my journey.  On this page (which I have linked to my sidebar), I will continue to update as I complete a new blog post - creating what should be an easy to follow and easy to search Table of Contents.

Get ready ... my first post comes tomorrow - 5 Activities for Teaching Angles.

I hope you enjoy!!!  :)

5 Activities for Teaching ... Table of Contents


1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a great idea. I will be keeping an eye on these posts.

    If you want some collaboration / guest posts etc. Drop me an email or message.
